Friday, February 5, 2010

Real Talk (get to know me)

So this is my first blog on Feb 5, 2010. I have been wanting to do this for a while because at the age of 20( 21 in 5 days! holler) I REALIZE THAT I WAS PUT HERE TO SPEAK...♥ With that being said i want to tell some random things about me so that you can get to know me a little better.

-i hate for things to get stuck in my teeth
-I want to have fun everyday ..yup everyday its a beautiful thing
- ive never been so in luv.....yet i cant share it...1 of the hardest things 2 deal with
- i listen to Melanie Fiona, Algebra, Rihanna, & Jazmine Sullivan everyday..can u say addict
- ive realized that i will never truley accept my grandpop not being here..
- i really want to make a whole new life 4 my mom, she deserves so much more
- im missing talkn to my roomey
-i hate blueberries, strawberry flavored foods/candy, brussel sprouts, & squash
- ive really had a few real life stalkers and i aint even famous yet lol but seriously
- i luv Love ...
- without music i will be wacko like foreal, i have 2 listen to music all day
- i had sex wit sum1 who had a gf...(big mistake but i learned from it)
- it took me a long time 2 be completely open w/ everyone i know but i am now & its a wonderful feeling
- I didnt want 2 leave college without pledging for a sorority but everything happens 4 a reason
- i can be a stalker at times
- All jokes aside i thought of being wit my gf...becuz no one is more perfect for me (think what u want but im being real)
- Im Natural now! yea baby
- i work out like 5 times a week
- i almost died when i was younger & i only ever old two of my best friends not even my mom
- i fell on my butt when in London in the rain

- Real name - Mykia Taneisha Shaw
Nickname(s) → T.Shaw, Tanny, Tan, Pendis, T, Tan Boo Tammy, Tane Sha, Pendishaw..etc..:)
Zodiac sign → Aquarius
Male or female → Female
Elementary School → Word of Life & American Christian
Middle School →Chester Charter
High School → Chester High.
Hair color → uuh brownish reddish blackish lol idk
Long or short → short
Loud or Quiet → ask my friends
Sweats or Jeans → tights
Phone or Camera → Camera
Health freak → naw
Drink or Smoke? → occasional sips
Do you have a crush on someone? → maybe
Eat or Drink → eat im a fatty
Piercings ----> ears
Tattoos → 4 going on 8 :-)

Been in an airplane → yea twice
Been in a relationship--> Yes
Been in a car accident - no
Been in a fist fight → a few times surprisingly

First piercing → Ears
First best friend → Shaneice & Ashley they are still my gurls
First award →not sure
First crush → Marquise..i cant believe i remember that lol
First big vacation- im working on it

Latest person you talked to --> My roomey
Latest person you texted → Ish
Latest person you watched a movie with - The Fresh Crew(just a name i have for my best friends)
Latest food you ate → turkey and cheese sandwich
Latest movie you watched → Mean Girls
Latest song you listened to → Naked by Serani
Latest thing you bought → a muffin..told u im a fatty
Latest person you hugged - my gf (my bestfriend but she literally goes by girlfriend ;--)

Food → Spaghetti
Drink--> apple juice
Clothing → skinny leg jeans and a wife beater
Flower → white rose
Animal → dog
Colors → purple, black, brown...weird combo
Movies- Waiting to Exhale, Save the Last Dance, Love and Basketball
Subjects →Philosophy

Enjoy, be inspired, speak