Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Stop Doing the Shit

So i had an epiphany today! While i sat at my computer huffing and puffing and almost breaking down in tears because i had decided to lock my self inside today because 1. i want to avoid people who reminds me of reality and 2. to finish all these tasks that i have constantly put off for no reason at all besides wanting to fail (laziness is u just deciding to fail), I realized that this some bullshit and its shit that I..CREATED.

I know that sometimes you have to go down the same road a few times to really learn and grow from it but when does that cycle stop? I know that i have learned from everything i have went through but that does not mean i can make an excuse for them.

We are human so we will go through breakups and just want to run away. We are human so we will go through times where we will think about giving up. We are human so there will be times when we break down, but because we are human we also have control over so much of it. No we can not control everything that happens but we have CONTROL OVER OUR REACTION TO IT.

I am behind in work and the simplest tasks because i chose to allow it to consume me. I am afraid to see my ex and his new friend and my mom and my friends because they remind me that I AM NOT CONTROLLING MY REACTION....But that ends now...i know its easier said than done but it starts with a change of mind...(and things can ALWAYS be worse so im done w/ this self-pity)

Forgive many things in others; nothing in yourself. If i keep forgiving myself for the same mistakes how do i expect to stop doing the shit

Enjoy, Be inspired, SPEAK

Monday, March 22, 2010

Emotion Never Lie, & Emotion Never Lies Still

FACT : Although females tend to display generally higher levels of emotions than males, the expression of anger, pride, and loneliness are more frequent in males. FACT: Because anger is socially acceptable for men, traditionally gender-typed men tend to convert most other emotions into anger, often resulting in DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOR & a LACK OF AWARENESS OF THE ORIGINAL EMOTION... Why you may ask? Men show more anger, and pride because they are made to believe that feelings are for women, and so they only express the two that are acceptable which are anger and pride and through these two come all of the rest of their emotions. In result of these emotions being turned into something they aren't they are not truly expressed, confusing the man and whoever he is expressing them to.....Please let our men speak, and feel...why would they feel something if its not supposed to be expressed?

FACT: Restrictive emotionality is one of the most frequently discussed issues in men's studies, & it is thought 2 underlie a number of other problems for men, including relationship difficulties, physical illness, mental health problems, & violence. Masculine gender roles often encourage men to resist the awareness of affect, avoid emotional vulnerability, & DISGUISE their feelings, especially when those feelings involve HURT, FEAR, SADNESS, or any experience that signals WEAKNESS or LACK OF CONTROL.....that says enough...we all were given emotions to help us grow and by doing so we have to express my opinion, a REAL man or woman will say how they feel no matter what..if no one knows the true problem how can it be fixed? If she doesnt know you love her why would would she think you do?

EXPRESS YOURSELF BECAUSE EMOTIONS NEVER LIE & EMOTIONS NEVER LIES STILL (sooner or later they are gonna act out and its always best that they act out with you leading them) ..Enjoy, Be inspired, SPEAK

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Take the Kinks out your Mind, Not your Hair


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"We have the same spiral in our hair as electricity, tornadoes, whirlwinds, DNA, galaxies!"

-Nekhena Evans

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I am always relieved and joyful when I influence a woman's decision to stop putting chemicals on her scalp...
-Pamela Ferrell

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Hair style is the final tip-off whether or not a woman really knows herself. ~Hubert de Givenchy

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Women.... Who made 'em? God must have been a... genius. Their hair. They say that the hair is everything, you know? Have you ever buried your nose in a mountain of curls, and just wanted to go to sleep forever? ~Bo Goldman

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Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair... ~Susan Polis Shutz

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In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they're still beautiful.
Alice Walker

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Things are beautiful if you love them.
- Jean Anouilh

Enjoy, Be inspired, Speak...