Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Stop Doing the Shit

So i had an epiphany today! While i sat at my computer huffing and puffing and almost breaking down in tears because i had decided to lock my self inside today because 1. i want to avoid people who reminds me of reality and 2. to finish all these tasks that i have constantly put off for no reason at all besides wanting to fail (laziness is u just deciding to fail), I realized that this some bullshit and its shit that I..CREATED.

I know that sometimes you have to go down the same road a few times to really learn and grow from it but when does that cycle stop? I know that i have learned from everything i have went through but that does not mean i can make an excuse for them.

We are human so we will go through breakups and just want to run away. We are human so we will go through times where we will think about giving up. We are human so there will be times when we break down, but because we are human we also have control over so much of it. No we can not control everything that happens but we have CONTROL OVER OUR REACTION TO IT.

I am behind in work and the simplest tasks because i chose to allow it to consume me. I am afraid to see my ex and his new friend and my mom and my friends because they remind me that I AM NOT CONTROLLING MY REACTION....But that ends now...i know its easier said than done but it starts with a change of mind...(and things can ALWAYS be worse so im done w/ this self-pity)

Forgive many things in others; nothing in yourself. If i keep forgiving myself for the same mistakes how do i expect to stop doing the shit

Enjoy, Be inspired, SPEAK